Command Control Communicate
A curated experience by Visual Communication students from the Royal College of Art
Tuesday 7 May, 5pm – 9pm

We are constantly bombarded with signs, messages and orders; we are told not to cross the yellow line when a train is coming, not to step on the grass or touch an artwork, we are taught to follow rules. We abide by social values to create societal norms, utilise shame and punishment as a tool to discipline people who step out of line. We have been designed to conform. Everything around us, and within us, exists in a predetermined order. Nothing is new.
For their final show, students from the Royal College of Arts’ Design Without elective are conducting an experiment into the preoccupation of control in our lives and its unnoticed manifestations. Using one of the houses of Walmer Yard as the setting, the students aim to highlight and unsettle subconscious behavioural cycles through a journey of subversions and controlled simulations.